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3rd Avenue and Downey St
Radford, VA 241414

(540) 639-4419

First Baptist Church on 3rd Avenue is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship church, affirming the call of God upon men and women alike to serve in leadership and as ministers to congregation and world.


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20,000 Meals for the Hungry Overseas

“Stop Hunger Now” returns under its new name, “Rise Against Hunger” on Saturday, January 27. We hope to enlist a hundred people from First Baptist, other churches, and several college student groups to assemble 20,000 meals to be shipped to a country on the verge of starvation. Just 29 cents will buy a meal for a hungry family.  The Endowment Fund has provided funding for the first 10,000 meals, and with your help, we are close to raising the remaining $2,900 in order to double that output. Now, we need willing hands to help assemble 20,000 meals. Please plan to join us by arriving just before 10:00 am on January 27.  OR, if you feel strong and healthy, you can come at 8:30 and help unload the truck and set up the assembly lines.  Either way, we need your help!