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3rd Avenue and Downey St
Radford, VA 241414

(540) 639-4419

First Baptist Church on 3rd Avenue is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship church, affirming the call of God upon men and women alike to serve in leadership and as ministers to congregation and world.


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Cookout for Rustic Village

Last fall, we set up our “Grillzilla” at Rustic Village Mobile Home Park and served hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade side dishes to over 70 residents. It was such a success that we’re doing it again on Sunday, May 15 after morning worship.  This is a perfect service project for families and for adults of all ages. We’ll need volunteers to cook and bring baked beans and mac ‘n cheese. You can also help by volunteering for any of the following needs:  set up and grilling, packaging meals to go, drinks, snacks and fruit, advance advertising, greeting and serving food.  Please sign up on the tear-off form on the Sunday bulletin.